Hola Familia!!!
This week once again is filled with news!! I got transfered!! I am now in the Zone Loja Este (east)!! My new companion is Elder Herrera from Colombia. He is pretty cool. We got here on the mission the same day. I just have a little more time than him because of the C.C.M!! I am super happy to be here in Loja. I am in the Jipiro Branch. It is a super small branch that needs help which means there is a lot of work to do. I am very happy about that and the opurtunity that I have to work here in this branch. I don`t know why I had changes so quick but I thinks I was with Elder Westover for a week just to show him the sector before I got changed but it is all good. Tuesday we had district meeting but President Torres was not able to come but it was all good. Loja is such and amazing place. It is even a lot more beautiful than Cuenca!! It is so awesome. It is a small valley with beautiful mountains!! I am very happy here it is very peaceful which I am so happy about to work with peace!!! I hope to be able to help this Zone more than the last one! I feel like I could not accomlish what I wanted in the last zone but I know that everything happens for a reason!! I know that Heavenly Father has his purposes for everything that happens here in this world, especially in the mission! I will do my best to be better everyday and to be a better missionary to be able to meet my goals! It was definately a crazy week as I had changes on thursday which was really diferent. Almost all of the Zone Leaders got changed around, kind of crazy. Today was a diferent Pday because we had to help the hermanas in our zone move houses. It was pretty fun but after lifting we are a bit tired now but it is all good. It was good to get the excercise. Well it sounds like all is going good at home. I am so excited for Ali to get to come and see the cierrra de Ecuador!! It is so awesome. I hope that all goes well with all that is going on there!! I love you all so much!! I am so grateful for your prayers and support, I feel them!! Thank you so much!
Con Mucho Amor
Elder Duzett
P.S. Loja is in the far south of Ecuador!!
Here is a bonus picture from another missionary's blog!! Thanks Elder McCammon!!
Jesse has loved Loja, I think he has a harder time tolerating the heat of Guayaquil and the mountains are more like home. What fun for us to have our boys together, double the info hopefully!!!