Here is Ben's email from July 13th:
Hola Familia,
Wow you have all had a pretty busy week. Wow Dad that is crazy. Obispo! Don´t worry Dad you will be great. Well Dad you are more than prepared. I am so glad that everyone is back home safe and sound. Well Ali basically is home safe and sound because she is Ecuador. Well today was pretty crazy because we had to change houses because the landlord wanted to sell the house. We changed house all day and it was pretty tiring. Well because we were changing house all Day I don´t have much time to write. Sorry hopefully next week I will be able to have a normal Pday to be able to write more and to send some pics. Well this week was pretty crazy. We are still looking to have more success but I am so happy to be here in Loja en la rama Jipiro. Well sorry I don´t have time to write more but I hope you all have a wonderful week. Good luck to everyone this week. I will be praying for all of you. I will be praying for you on Sunday Dad!! Well I love you all so much and your great example that you all have been to me throughout my life. Have a wonderful week.
Con mucho Amor
Elder Duzett
Just When I thought we couldn't get a shorter email, here is the one from this week (July 20th):
Hola Familia, It has been another crazy pday. My companion got transfered so I just got back from Guayaquil to pick up my new companion. My new companion is Elder Sanchez from Mexico. He is pretty awesome. Well I don`t have any time left to write but I love you all and give Spencer I giant hug from me I wanted to write him but I have not had anytime the last 5 pdays but it is all good! I love you all and hope you all have a great great week.
Con Mucho Amor
Elder Duzett
Here is some bonus news from Ecuador. Ali has been in Ecuador on a HEFY trip building an orphanage in Cuenca. Here is some of what she said:
Hola Family!!
How are you all doing? I am doing wonderful here in Ecuador! I love it here! All of the kids in my group are really nice!the Galapogos was one of the most amazing places that I have ever been to. I swam with sharks and sea lions. I also went cliff jumping in this slot canyon it was so much fun. I also bumped into Elder Condori, he was really sweet. He has such a strong spirit. The whole time we talked he wouldn´t stop saying "I´m so happy! I´m so happy!" He said to ask how all you guys were doing and to say hi. I talked to Ben´s last companion for like a second because I was playing soccer and everyone that knows him loves him. Our tour guide David is from Azogues and he said that Elder Duzett is his friend! Church here is really great. I have no idea what anybody is saying but you can feel the spirit very strong. For family night we went to a family´s house that was from the states and they fed us American brownies and they were so good! The food here is actually really good except for when it makes you sick! The work has been going really good! We get to volenteer in the orphanage every other day for half of the day. All the kids have special needs or they have a sibling there with speacial needs so they don´t split up families. This one orphan named Manuel with down syndrome loves me so much. Everytime he sees me he comes and gives me a big hug and he wants to play with me. It is nice because he can´t talk and I can´t speak spanish so we just laugh and have the greatest time. The orphans have the stongest spirit and you can´t stop smiling when you are around them. I know that they are all going to the celestial kingdom and they are choice spirits. The orphanage is actually an LDS orphanage and they all love the prophet and their favorite song is follow the prophet. The work on the new housing facilities is slowly moving along. For most of the week I have been mixing cement and chiseling into the brick so they can put pipes to run wiring through for light switches. I have never been so grateful for light switches and outlet plugs in my life. The work is really hard power tools do not exisit. All the work that is done is done by hand except for the welding. It is a little scary because every single nail that we have used has been a rusty old nail that we have pried out of old boards. The workers are really nice and patient with us when we don´t do something right. I am actually enjoying the work and I have never worked so hard in my life. When I come back from work I literally get brick out of my ears, nose, clothes, hair, you name it there is chunks of brick in there. I cannot wait to come home and have a warm shower. If you get a warm shower you are lucky and I haven´t had one yet. Being on this trip has made me so grateful for all the little things that I take for granted. We kind of scare people when we are walking down the street. Suddenly they see a sea of white people and they kind of get really freaked out and it is super funny! Too much has happened to fit in this one email. This has been an awesome expirience so far and I definately have had to face my fear of stray dogs! Have a good week I will see you guys at the airport!
Here is a picture of Ali and Elder Condori:
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