Monday, April 29, 2013

La Primera Bautismos!!

Hola Familia,
This week was a pretty great week. First of all I did not get transfered and neither did Elder Hoskins which I was pretty happy about. We are still working hard to better the missionary work in Santa Monica. What was so great about it was I had my first two baptisms on Saturday. It was pretty crazy. It was tough work. Saturday morning we had a District Meeting so we couldn´t leave until around noon. After we went to find the keys to the church but the Bishop did not have them. He told us someone else had them and that member told us someone else had them. Finally we found them with one of the young men. By the time we got into the church there was not enough time for the font to fill up enough. We we prayed and then we carried buckets and buckets and buckets of water from the outside water spout. It was crazy but by a miracle the font was filled up by the time the baptism started. It was crazy. I baptised them both which was really cool. We baptized a couple named Deivi and Dalila Villafuerte. They are pretty cool. It took a while to finally get them baptized but I am super happy they finally did it!!! Then on Sunday we went to their house before sacrament meeting, our church starts at eight thirty in the morning, and they said they would be there at eight to be ready for their conformation. Well eight thirty rolled around and they still weren´t there so we went into a little bit of panic mode but then they came. Sacrament always starts late so it was totally fine but it ws pretty nerve wracking. But they did it. They are members of the true church on this earth. How Awesome! This week we also made German Pancakes for breakfast a couple of times which was awesome. They weren´t as good because we had to fry them but still it was pretty great.
About Mothers Day is I don´t know what is going to happen but we will find out and the day before I call you and tell you what is going to happen the next day so there won´t be a problem.
Anyways I am doing great here. The mission is pretty tough but it is pretty awesome. The work definately is tough and we are working hard to have more success here. This week we need to find more investigators and more that are prepared to listen and to learn about the true gospel.
Anyways thank you so much for you wonderful emails. I love you all so much and miss you guys a ton. That is what is most hard about the mission but it will all be worth it in the end. I love you all extremely!!!
Love, Elder Benjamin Berg Duzett

Ben's attempt at German Pancakes!! Yum Yum!!

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