Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Back to Guayquil

Hola Familia!!
First off I am so glad that Ali is feeling better. That is super scary. I am sorry Ali that you had to go through that. Sickness is pretty lame but it gives us more spiritually strength when we can get over our trials. That is the great blessing of this life. The trials are the wind that blows our ship to eternal life! Well I hope all are super great this week. I am glad to hear that everyone is keeping busy. We had a pretty busy week here too.
Zona Huancavilca Part 2! 
I got transferred! I am training another new missionary. He is great! His name is Elder Vincent from Pleasant Grove. He is so amazing! He is so excited to share the gospel with everyone that he sees. We are opening a new sector again. We are in the sectore Perimetral! We are in the Zone Huancavilca. I am right next to Las Malvinas and on the other side Santa Monica! Before there were only 2 missionaries here. We are opening it up to 4. It should be great. I know some of the members here from interchanges from when I was in Malvinas. That should make things a little bit easier. We were happy to have an investigator in church on Sunday named G Mz. She is 86 years old but she is so smart. She is great. She loved church. I am excited to be able to work more here in Guayaquil. Hopefuly I can do a much better job this time. I was a little bit sad to leave Guabo to come here but I know that I should not complain. I know that there are great people here that are prepared to listen to the gospel. We just have to work really hard and do our best. My companion  has a wondeful spirit and I know peple will be able to feel it. I am very excited to work along side him. Elder W also got changed. Now there are only 4 missionaries in Guabo but I really am so grateful for the time I got to be with Elder W in Guabo but I know that this time here will be even better. I am so grateful for what we can learn here in the mission. I hope that all are wondeful there back home. I love you all so very much. I hope that you all have wondeful weeks. I will be praying so that everything will be great with you guys. Tell Grandma good luck from me and give her a big hug! Well  pretty much out of time but I love you all so much!!
Con Amor
Elder Duzett

Monday, October 20, 2014

Be Grateful for the Wind!!

Hola Familia,
 Espero que todos esten muy muy bien. This week has been a kind of strange week. We have had to do a lot of work with the branch because we had a visit from the stake and they asked to help out with some plans for the missionary work here. We have had to help a lot with the Ward Mision leader to get some great plans established here in the branch that should help the missionary work here in the branch for a while. That is are hope. It did take some time but hopefully this week we will see the fruits. We have some great members here in the branch that are starting to help us a lot more in the work. This week should be a great great week. This week we are excited because we are going to have 2 baptisms on friday. J C T and his mom O A are getting baptized. J C is like 40 he is divorced well seperated because he never really married his wife but he is pretty cool. His ancestors are from Austria, so that is pretty awesome. Hopefully we will be able to find some more great people this week. We have a family that we are trying to help. The familia V M. They have some challenges they need to get over before they get baptized but we are hopeing that we can see those changes over the next couple of weeks. Well I am so grateful for the time I have had here in this great Branch with my great companion. He is great. Tonight are the transfers I think so we will see how they go. It is likely that my companion or I will be transfered but who knows maybe we could just keep on going. That would be pretty sweet. But I know whatever happens is what the lord wants. I was reading an article in the Liahona or Ensign that week that talked about Eter 6 verses 5a8. It talked about how the Lord uses a very strong wind to take the people of Jared to the promised land. This wind caused many trials in there travel but it says that the lord never stopped the wind that led them to the promised land. It then talked about how our trials are like the wind that the lord puts to push us to eternal life. I thought the article was really great. I know that to be true. I know that this gospel is true. I am so grateful for it. I am so grateful for all that you guys do for me. Dad I hope all is well with your travel. I hope all is great. I am praying that everything will go well for everyone. Well I love you all very much and wish you all a great great week!!
 Con mucho Amor
 Elder Benjamin Duzett

Monday, October 13, 2014

El Guabo es Bueno!!

Hola Familia, 

Primeramente Feliz Cumpleaños Mama!!! I hope you had a wonderful wonderful birthday. Sounds like all went great this week. The primary program is awesome. The primary children also sang in sacrament meeting this week, it was awesome. We had a great Sacrament Meeting this week. We broke the Guabo attendance record which was super awesome. We couldn´t make it past 154 but this week we had 185! It was so awesome. We are seeing many less actives come back to church which is really great. The other missoinaries here in Guabo are doing a great great job. I am so grateful that I get to work with them. This week we have had some good investigators that came to church. We have a man named J C. He lived in California like 12 years ago. He speaks some english. He is pretty cool. He is like 40 years old. He made us pancakes the other day!!! He is preparing to get baptized on the 24th of October with his Mom named O. They both were in church and they loved it. They are both progressing pretty nicely. We are still working with the E Family. They aren´t progressing too well because they still have not gotten married but we hope that this week they can finally make all the arrangements to get married. We are hopeing to be able to find many new families to teach this week. I am so grateful for the chance I have to serve in this great part of the world. The people here in Guabo are amazing. They are so humble and happy which is so awesome. I love you all so much and I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful week!! Sorry I don´t have too much time today!

Les Amo!
Elder Duzett

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Conference and Baptisms!!

Hola Familia,

 I hope all is well with everyone. I am so grateful for your emails and all that you always do for me. This week was a great week with conference. There were some great great talks. We were able to see all of conference. We were able to have investigators in every session of conference. It was great. I really loved all of the talks and I felt that they were really trying to prepare us for harder times to come. They shared one of my favorite scriptures many times in Helaman 5 12. If we build our rock on Christ we will be able to withstand everything that comes our way. I know that this is true. I really enjoyed how they spoke in different languages. It was awesome for the people here when they spoke in Spanish. One of them talked about Señor, Yo te Seguiré. It was awesome because he told everyone to say yes to the commitments of the missionaries. It was really a great talk. I loved the talks by Elder Eyring as well. His talk in the Priesthood session was awesome. I also loved Elder Oaks talk. We were also very happy last night because after the afternoon session we had 4 baptisms. And the other missionaries here in Guabo had 2 so we had a baptismal service with 6 baptisms after the conference. It was a great feeling because we also had six different people baptizing. It was really great. Hermana M O got baptized with her two sons. She was so happy. We had three people in the water to help her with her broken back and everything went great. I had the oppurtunity to baptize her. It was a wondeful experience. I really did feel the spirit. I had never seen anyone come out of the water tan tranquilo like she did. We also had hermana N G get baptized. Her family is reactivating and she was very excited as well. It was a wonderful experience and it was awesome to see the Priesthood in accion here in el Guabo because there were about 9 members that used the Priesthood during the service because they also got confirmed there as well due to the conference. It was a pretty great week. We are also hoping to have a couple of baptisms this week with the children of the E Family. Hopefully everything will go well with them. They now have been to church like 6 times so we are very happy about that. Well I love you all so much. I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful week. Mom and Dad I hope you have a great rest of you trip. Be safe! I love you both very much. Thanks for all that you do for me!
 Les Amo!!
 Elder Duzett

All in Spanish!!

I guess Ben is having a hard time with English. Here is his email from September 30. The google translate is below.

Hola Familia,
Muchas gracias por todo sus correos y por su amor y apoyo que recibo cada semana. Estoy muy agradecido por todo lo que hacen para mi cada dia. Estuve muy feliz leyendo una tarjeta de gracias que Ali me mandó en el paquete. Muchas gracias Ali. Ecuador si es uno de los mejores paises en el mundo si no el Mejor! Estoy muy agradacido a Dios que me ha dado este gran oportunidad a servir aqui en esta parte de su viña. Testifico que esto realmente es la viña del Señor y no es nuestro. Testifico que cuando trabajamos en la manera de el todo sale bien. A veces tratamos a hacer las cosas en nuestro manera y a veces nos impide a veces pero estoy muy agradecido que aun asi nuestro Padre Celestial siempre nos ayuda con las cosas. Hoy dia estaba pensando mucho en la Restauracion del Evangelio por conducto del Profeta José Smith y pude sentir muy fuerte en mi corazon aun mas fuerte que José Smith realmente es un Profeta de Dios. Estoy muy agradecido por eso y se que nosotros podemos ser parte de este gran evangelio y la restauracion de ella cada dia. No hay mas gozo que podemos encontrar que recibimos a poder saber que estos cosas son verdaderos. Por los revelaciones a los profetas hoy en dia y los que recibió el Profeta Jose Smith podemos saber de los cosas marvillosas aqui en esta vida. Estoy muy feliz a poder estar aqui predicando el Evangelio de Jesuscristo. Yo se que es verdadero. Yo se que personos, aun si son duros de corazon, pueden cambiar. Estoy muy feliz por la gran oportunidad que tendremos esta semana a poder escuchar a Dios por medio de sus Profetas. Vamos a trabajar durisimo en esta semana para poder llevar todos a esta conferencia para poder escuchar las palabras de los profetas. Esperamos a ver los milagros de Dios para poder ver muchos recibir una respuesta de esta Resauracion durante esta conferencia. Hay una escritura que me gusta mucho que estaba leyendo esta semana. Se encuentra en Mosiah 3 13. Aqui explica que cuando escuchamos a los profetas podemos recibir un gozo sumamente grande aun si Jesucristo estuviera hablando con nosotros. Yo se que esto es verdadero y por la oportunidad que tenemos para tener esta gozo esta semana. Amo a cada uno de ustedes. Esta semana esperemos a tener algunos bautimos, tal vez hermana miriam se bautice esta semana porque y a ido a la iglesia 3 veces. Esta muy animada ella. Estamos muy agradecido a Dios por la ayuda que recibimos en encontrar ella. Ella nos hablo una dia en la calle. Le invitamos a la iglesia y despues no pudimos encontrarle y casi olvidamos de ella pero 3 semanas despues ella llegó a la capilla sola. Estoy muy agradecido por esto milagro.
That is so awesome Dad that you work with him. Father Tanner is definately one of my heroes. Thanks for all that you guys do for me. You guys are my heroes. I love you all so much!!! Lo siento todo esta en español pero ingles esta un poco mas dificil entonces, lo siento!
Les Amo Bastante! 
Elder Duzett

Hello Family

Thank you very much for all your emails and for your love and support I receive each week. I am very grateful for all you do for me every day. I was very happy reading a thank you card that Ali sent me the package. Thank you very much Ali. If Ecuador is one of the best countries in the world if not the Best! I am very agradacido God has given me this great opportunity to serve here in this part of His vineyard. I testify that this really is the Lord's vineyard and not ours. I testify that when we work in the way everything goes well. Sometimes we try to do things our way and sometimes prevents us at times but I am still so grateful that Heavenly Father always helps us with things. Today day I was thinking a lot about the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith and I feel very strong in my heart even stronger that Joseph Smith is truly a prophet of God. I am very grateful for that and we can be part of this great gospel and the restoration of it every day. No more joy we can find that we receive to know that these things are true. By the revelations to prophets today and received by the Prophet Joseph Smith marvillosas can know of things here in this life. I am very happy to be here preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it's true. I know personos, even if they are hard of heart, can change. I am very happy for the opportunity this week we'll be able to listen to God through His Prophets. We will work very hard this week to bring all this conference to hear the words of the prophets. We hope to see the miracles of God to see many receive a response from this Resauracion during this conference. There is a scripture that I really like I was reading this week. It is found in Mosiah 3 13 Here explains that when we listen to the prophets can receive exceedingly great joy, even if Jesus were talking to us. I know this is true and the opportunity we have to have this joy this week. I love each of you. This week we hope to have some bautimos perhaps sister miriam be baptized this week because I went to church 3 times. She is very lively. We are very grateful to God for the help we received in finding her. She told us a day in the street. We invite you to church and then we could not find him and almost forget it but three weeks later she came to the chapel alone. I am very grateful for this miracle.

That is so awesome that you 'Dad Work with him. Father Tanner is definately one of my heroes. Thanks for all that you guys do for me. You guys are my heroes. I love you all so much !!! Sorry everything is in Spanish but English is a little more difficult then, sorry!

I Love Pretty!
Elder Duzett